Folsom, LA

FOLSOM, LA is a feature film. Please contact us for more information (including script, budget, and lookbook), or feel free to read a recent script review from The BlackList.

Genre: Action & Adventure, Action Thriller, War Adventure


This is a very unique concept that is sure to garner attention from industry readers. The premise is clear cut and captivating throughout as we grow the suspense more and more over the course of the second act. … The dialogue is crisp and full of subtext throughout. It doesn't go over board in the jargon of the world, but still feels incredibly natural and accurate... a lot of which is helped by something as subtle as the "sir" reference when the blue team addresses Hobbes. The action is fast paced and the script reads at a quick speed overall making for an enjoyable and action packed story that balances an ensemble of characters within the plot. Getting to see Hobbes really turn up the anger when they attack Rodrigo is a nice way to track his character's development through the midpoint. The growing animosity from Grace regarding Mia is also plotted out with expertise. The action/moment when Grace attacks Mia in the third act, but then makes herself vulnerable to Mia's shot is an example of the the type of climactic sequences that are prevalent in this script.


The weaknesses to this script are not on a macro level and as it is this project is well on its way to reaching its full potential. … The surprise of the SWAT team is a really nice twist. It works well to round out the the building violence throughout the battle. That being said it feels like we could linger a little more at the end of the script because it comes about really abruptly. The bus coming in is a powerful image, but getting some more shots or a sequence of what we're leaving might make the ending a bit more impactful.


At the very least this script … takes an ensemble of characters and throws them in an action packed and extremely original premise that is sure to impress industry readers. The dialogue, plot, action and overall pacing of the script is very quick and technically proficient. Right now the first act could step up a little more to really give the audience some connection to the characters before the battle starts … It's an ambitious premise and down to the dog dying it is ruthless in its ability to provide intense action surrounding what begins as a seemingly friendly paintball match. This script is enjoyable and suspenseful throughout and could be made with a fairly small budget due to the contained locations/execution of the concept.


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